Walk trhough your inner side
Energy Care

My method
Since 2007 I have been dedicated to giving an impulse to a higher-frequency, mood or point of view to my customers. Listening to the body message I perceive which is the most suitable way to restore and balance the energetic system in each case and moment. I use my intuitive skills and tools.
I make the work on you, stimulating your inner power through your senses.
The magic comes when you meet the essence that is within you. Then, when you recover your inner peace and harmony, you become unstoppable, beautifuly alive!

Diferent opening keys
1 h
450 svenska kronor1 h
900 svenska kronor1 h
900 svenska kronorCargando los días...
La duración varía
90 svenska kronor1 h
600 svenska kronor30 min
I meet Monica exactly on the right moment. She helped me to ground and to find a calm space beyond stress that I had. It was for me an anchor to make an important life decision. Monica has a gentle approach, great intuition and unconditional love to a person she works with. I had all trust during the receiving of her healing.
V. Lisinenko
She took care of my emotional and energetic wellbeing, balancing and healing me. First she helped me calm down and together we carried out an “alchemical” process to get it to surface.
Mónica is a great profesional, therapist, coach and healer.
It works on restoring self-confidence, motivation, self-esteem, and tuning into our joy for the simple fact of existing. She is wonderful!
M. Vargas
Jag älska mig själv
Därför träffa jag Monica Flor
Hon är så begåvad
Jag for så mycket hjälp med min kropps problem. Ser from i mott min nästa behändig.
Hög rekommendera.